With all this talk about WebCampZg and ZgPHP conference 2014 you might have missed that we are holding our regular monthly meetup on Thursday, Sept 18th.
We have two interesting topics: Mario will speak about PHPSpec and Marijan will show Redis in practice.
Mario Blažek: PHPSpec – Don’t test – spec and think!
We are living in TDD era, so why not make it more productive and enjoyable experience. Let’s see how PHPSpec helps you describe the internal behaviour of your application by writing “specs”, why I prefer it over PHPUnit and introduce it’s best friend Behat.
Mario is currently working at Flipkod as PHP developer, using Symfony2 and Laravel as frameworks of choice.
Marijan Šuflaj: Redis in practice
Can Redis help you make your app run faster? Are there any jobs for which Redis is that right tool to use? Can you make apps using Redis even faster? If you wanna know answers to these questions and see how Redis helps us keep njuskalo.hr running this is the talk that you are looking for. (spoiler alert: yes is answer to all these questions).
Marijan is young developer willing to learn new things and explore new technologies. Likes to share his experience about what he knows and what he learned so far. Works for Trikoder d.o.o. and takes care of njuskalo.hr.
17:30 – Warm up and small talk
18:00 – Group announcements
18:10 – Mario Blažek: PHPSpec – Don’t test – spec and think!
18:40 – c-c-c-combo breaker
18:45 – Marijan Šuflaj: Redis in practice
19:30 – Drinkup in Kolding