That is right kids, school is over, summer break has begun. Celebrate it by attending a special season ending edition of ZgPHP meetup. Join us at Mama, Preradoviceva 18 on June 18th and hear all about it.
Ivan Habunek – Generators
Not just for electricity, right?
Generators are a cool, relatively new addition to PHP, we all know that. However, real world usage seems to still be pretty low. Many PHP devs are happy just using arrays, like they have done since the olden days.
This talk will quickly explain how generators work (spoiler: it’s very simple) and then cover several real-world use cases.
A live coding session may or may not happen.
Ignite session
In Ignite talks, each speakers gets five (5) minutes, and must use twenty (20) slides that are automatically advancing after 15 seconds. So you are forced to get to the point. Pick any topic you like or if you lack inspiration choose something from Awesome PHP list.