Lambda Meetup / Rujan


došlo je vrijeme za novi meetup. Ovaj puta za vas u ponudi imamo predavanje o memory leakovima u Haskellu i pronalaženju i krpanju istih. Predavanje će održati Ante Kegalj.

Slijedi katki opis predavanja (opis i slajdovi su na engleskom, ali predavanje će biti na hrvatskom jeziku):

Hunting memory leaks in Haskell
When a program allocates more memory than is necessary for its execution we say that the program is leaking memory. This is a common issue in “real world” Haskell projects. In this presentation we will explain how and why this problem manifests itself in such an advanced programming language and describe the pros and cons of Haskell’s lazy (non-strict) semantics. We will demonstrate how we can use profiling tools to trace memory leaks and present techniques for fixing them. Finally, we will introduce a couple of frameworks that can guarantee constant memory usage.
