Nikica Jokić – Demistificirani Sidekiq
Ako vam se vaš Redis-backed background job library (Resque, Sidekiq …) čini kao hrpa crne magije onda je ovo talk k’o stvoren za vas. U talku ćemo objasniti kako Sidekiq koristi Redis za queueing i scheduling te na koji način dodane jobove (efikasno) obrađuje. Bit će riječi o QUEUEovima, SETovima, ZSETovima, threadvoima i sličnim ezoteričnim ljepoticama.
Vedran Hrnčić – Sketching object model using common sense(and IRB, google, MRI source)
Oversimplified overview of common OOP language features and their implementation. Metaclasses(or whatever their name is) seem like placeholders for developers decoration intentions, but they actually have a much deeper and stronger connection with Ruby object model than meets the eye. Purpose of this talk will be to reveal some hidden (meta)intentions by considering where would we put connections between objects in model and their consequences.