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Solidarna kava Tatawelo – predstavljanje i kušanje

[english below]

Predstavljanje solidarne kave Tatawelo

Pozivamo vas na predstavljanje i kušanje solidarne kave Tatawelo u srijedu, 19.03.2025. u 17:00h, u MaMi.

Tatawelo je volonterska udruga, osnovana u Italiji, koja se od 2003. godine bavi izvozom kave iz zapatističkih zajednica u Chiapasu. S obzirom na to da je kava glavni proizvod, izvor financiranja pa time i opstanka ljudi iz Chiapas regije, cilj Tatawelo udruge je podržati zapatističku borbu u obrani vlastite zemlje i kulture od meksikanske vlade i velikih korporacija, a to čine kroz njegovanje direktne veze s lokalnom zajednicom, pomažući joj u izvozu i distribuciji njihovih proizvoda, tj. kave.

Projekt je osnovan na vrijednostima pravedne i solidarne ekonomije te koristi mehanizam „financiranja unaprijed” kao solidarnog dogovora između proizvođača_ica i kupaca. To omogućuje bolje planiranje od strane proizvođača_ica, a iznad svega omogućuje oslobođenje od mehanizama zaduženja. Dodatno, dio cijene svakog paketa kave direktno se preusmjerava za razvoj lokalnih projekata odabranih od poljoprivrenika_ca.

Nakon prezentacije rada udruge Tatawelo od strane njezina_e člana_ice, uslijedit će kušanje kave te otvoren prostor za sva pitanja i narudžbu same kave.

Događaj će se održati na engleskom jeziku, ali postoji mogućnost prijevoda na hrvatski ukoliko za to bude potrebe.

Pozivamo sve da podržimo ovu moćnu inicijativu i da iz ovakvih primjera zajedno učimo o implementiranju načela solidarnosti u konkretne prakse s konkretnim ishodima.

Vidimo se u srijedu!


Presentation of Tatawelo solidarity coffee

We invite you to a presentation and tasting of the Tatawelo solidarity coffee. The event will take place on Wednesday the 19.03.2025 at 17:00 (5 pm) in MaMa.

Tatawelo is a volunteer association, founded in Italy, which since 2003 imports coffee from the Zapatista communities of Chiapas. Coffee being the main produce, the main source of income and thus also of resistance in the region, from the very beginning the aim of Tatawelo is to support the Zapatista struggle in the defense of life and local culture against the mexican government and international corporations. The creation of a direct connection with the local communities was aimed at facilitating the exportation of their products.

The project is based on the values of fair and solidarity-economy, and it uses the mechanism of “pre-funding” as a solidarity-agreement between the producer and the “consumer”. Above all, it allows the producers to liberate themselves from the enslaving mechanisms of debt, allowing them at the same time to organize their production more efficiently. On top of that, part of the price of each package of coffee goes to the development of local projects chosen and organized by the farmers.

After the presentation of the association there will be a coffee-tasting and an open space for questions, as well as the possibility to order some coffee.

The event will be held in english, but there is a possibility of organizing a simultaneous translation in croatian if necessary.

We invite everyone to support this powerful initiative and let us all learn from these examples about the implementation of the principle of solidarity in concrete practices with concrete outcomes.

See you on Wednesday!
