
FixLAB – slobodni servis računala

[english below]

Pokvarilo ti se računalo? Laptop ti sporo radi ili se stalno ruši?
Imaš stari PC koji želiš osposobiti za nove zadatke?
Želiš isprobati Linux, ali ne znaš kako ga instalirati?
Treba ti savjet ili pomoć kod ugradnje RAM-a ili zamjene diska?

Od utorka, 21.01.2025. pokrećemo laptopopopravljaonu FixLAB!

🟩 Što je FixLAB?
FixLAB je otvoreni servis i besplatna radionica za popravljanje računala. Uz puno entuzijazma i truda, pomažemo u rješavanju problema s vašim računalima.

🟩 Prijave?
Nisu obavezne, ali ako nam se javite na info@hacklab01.org, bit će nam lakše organizirati se i osigurati da sve bude spremno!

🟩 Na FixLABu pomažemo s:

  • Hardverskim problemima (npr. zamjena RAM-a, pregled matične ploče).
  • Softverskim poteškoćama (npr. reinstalacija operativnog sustava, rješavanje grešaka, brisanje virusa).
  • Instalacijom Linuxa i prelaskom na open-source sustave.
  • Ugradnjom i zamjenom RAM-a ili diskova.
  • Obnavljanjem starih računala i opreme.

Dođite, popravite svoje računalo i usput naučite nešto novo – vidimo se utorcima!

FixLAB je dio MaMine programske linije HackLab01.



Is your computer broken? Is your laptop running slow or constantly crashing?
Do you have an old PC that you want to repurpose?
Do you want to try Linux, but don’t know how to install it?
Do you need advice or help with installing RAM or replacing a hard drive?

Every Tuesday at 8 pm, come and get your computer fixed free of charge! 

🟩 What is FixLAB?
FixLAB is an open service and free computer repair workshop. With a lot of enthusiasm and effort, we help you solve problems with your computers.

🟩 Registration?
It’s not mandatory, but if you contact us at info@hacklab01.org, it will be easier for us to organize and ensure that we have everything prepared!

🟩 At FixLAB we help with:

  • Hardware problems (e.g. replacing RAM, checking the motherboard).
  • Software problems (e.g. reinstalling your OS, troubleshooting, deleting viruses).
  • Installing Linux and switching to open-source systems.
  • Installing and replacing RAM or disks.
  • Refurbishing old computers and equipment.

Come, fix your computer and learn something new along the way – see you on Tuesdays!

FixLAB is part of MaMa’s Hacklab01 programme.
