Evo nas nakon dugog toplog ljeta (khm, jel, lol). Internacionaliziramo meetup, imamo jednog amera i jednog Zlatka koji vježba engleski za WebCamp (možda se još dogodi i treći, ali ako se i ne dogodi, laganiji tempo za post-ljetni meetup sumnjam da će ikom smetati 🙂 )
Izlog br. 9 kaže:
1) Alex Kuhn: Using D3 to make interactive data visualizations
Description: D3 is a powerful library for using JavaScript to manipulate documents with data. This talk will cover what the D3 library is and what it can do. We will walkthrough creating sample data visualizations and then add interactivity to them.
2) Zlatko Đurić: Row, row, row your boat
Description: How to gently row your boat down Node.js Streams? A talk to introduce the topic of streams and streaming, how it works in node and how it didn’t work out before.
3) Davor Jerbić: Google Chromecast development
Description: Google Chromecast is miniature and simple device that enables you to bring customised apps to any TV. In this talk an introduction to developing apps for this platform will be presented and some experiences from an actual project will be discussed.
Klasika, vidimo se 17:45, počnemo 18:00, završimo do 20:00, pa se družimo u Koldingu….