Ciao ljudi! 😀
Za sljedeci meetup u goste nam dolazi Doug, Google Developer Expert koji vec dugi niz godina radi na mobile i web appovima gdje je fokus imao na optimizaciji performansa i brzini rada istih. Na ovom meetupu pokazat ce nam kako ukombinirati AI i fotke. Vise o speakeru i temi u nastavku i vidimo se u cetvrtak u 19h.
Do tada ko i uvijek se družimo na slacku ( 😀
PS. Uskoro nam se blizi i webcamp tako da chekirajte raspored i rezervirajte svoje karte na vrijeme (
Using AI to Power Your Images
Optimizing image content for every browser and device size can be difficult. Random cropping of images can lead to losing context and features (sometimes as extreme as lopping off the heads of your subjects). In this talk it will be presented how AI can be used to identify the important content in each image, allowing for smart cropping of images. This allows to optimize images further than previously possible, shrinking page size, and speeding up page load times.
A Google Developer Expert and the author of O’Reilly’s “High Performance Android Apps,” Doug has spoken at developer conferences in the US and Europe, and blogs regularly at He is currently working as a freelance digital nomad, traveling with his family in Europe.