JavaScript Zagreb Meetup / Studeni

This time we will talk about JavaScript code styles and static analysis tools that help us keep the code quality. After that we’ll explore the mystical world of a syntax tree. Ivan Vuković: Add space after { Have you ever received or sent pull request and most of code review comments was about code formatting […]



Vuk Ćosić: Kolaps konteksta 2.0

Vuk Ćosić internetski je veteran i međunarodno priznati klasik internetske umjetnosti. Njegovo predavanje “Kolaps konteksta 2.0” organizirano je u sklopu projekta net.cube Centra za dramsku umjetnost, u suradnji sa WHW.


ZgPHP Meetup / Studeni

Comparative Benchmarking with PHPBench In this talk, Daniel Leech will try and convey the concept of comparative benchmarking in PHP and present a tool with which to do it: PHPBench. Schedule 17:30 – Warm up and small talk 18:00 – Group announcements 18:10 – Daniel Leech – Comparative Benchmarking with PHPBench


Zagreb Software Testing Club / Studeni

It’s time for Zagreb STC #23! On this meetup Lada, Tesa and Gordana from MCS will present us how they cope with the challenge of proper communication with clients of their medical application. Some of the interesting topics that will be covered are: – mens of collecting client application requirements (phone, conference, workshop, web formulars) […]


Ghost in the Shell

Anime projekcija vol. 50

Na okrugloj pedesetoj anime projekciji donosimo Ghost in the Shell (1995., 83min.). U godini 2029, barijere našeg svijeta probijene su Internetom i kibernetikom, no ovo stvara novu ranjivost kod ljudi u obliku hakiranja mozga. Kada se visoko traženi haker poznat kao “Puppetmaster” počne miješati u politiku, Sekcija 9, grupa kibernetski modificiranih policajaca, pozvana je da […]


Web Designers Meetup / Studeni

TOPICS OF THE MONTH: 1) Modular and Bulletproof User Interfaces by Lucijan Blagonić 2) Freelancing for international clients. 2.5 years Toptal veteran experience by Tomislav Kozačinski Join us this month for two exciting topics from Lucijan and Tomislav, Meetup organisers. Lucijan will be reprising his WebCamp talk Modular and Bulletproof User Interfaces that was huge […]


[:hr]Predavanje Erica Jarosinskog / @NeinQuarterly:[:]

Uvod u utopijsku negaciju

Petak trinaesti je savršen datum za izlaganje i razgovor sa samoprozvanim “propalim intelektualcem” koji stoji iza popularnog Twitter profila @NeinQuarterly, vodeće internetske zbirke utopijske negacije.


Apache Spark Meetup / Prosinac

Streaming data with Apache Kafka “Marko Bonaci from Sematext will talk about how Kafka works, what is it good for and how his company uses it in production for ingesting huge amounts of data. The talk will (hopefully) end with a short demo of dockerized Kafka in action.”


Python Meetup / Studeni

Winter is coming but so is a new instance of PYtalks! All the usual applies. I hope to see as many of you as possible. Talks: Ivan Mesic: High Availability’ RPC implementation in the cloud When one builds a ‘big’* system, at some point it starts to matter how many calls you can make and […]


Docker Meetup / Studeni

Hello Docker Community. As promised we’re continuing our monthly meetups. Be sure to come to this one! Talks: Goran Cetušić: Building a network emulator with Docker and Open vSwitch A short description of container namespaces, Linux virtual Ethernet interfaces and how to use them in Docker and Open vSwitch to create a self-contained network with […]
