Ubu@50 — 50 Ubus: A Virtual Conference

Felix Stalder, Sanja Bojanić, Srećko Horvat, Aleksndra Savanović, Nick Thurston, Alessandro Ludovico, Dušan Barok, Olga Goriunova, Cristóbal Sciutto, Marcell Mars and Tomislav Medak on the events before 1996, the year when Kenneth Goldsmith started Ubu, the developments since and the projections until 2046, when Ubu turns 50.



Past • An Introduction to the Problem

Who can know what is in the past? Is it what historians can tell us? Should we also trust what we can remember? “Past • An Introduction to the Problem” proposes that the problem of the past now concerns everyone.



Ubu@50 :: Everything is Temporary

A readymade gesture Marcel Duchamp, one of the founders of avant-garde, in 1935 at the Councours Lépine, an innovation fair, exhibited a series of objects under titled *Rotoreliefs* – twelve cardboard litography discs with spiral motifs in the lithography technique. When rotating *Rotoreliefs* would engender optical illusions. Although he received an honorable mention in the […]


Ubu@50 – Futures of Digital Avant-Garde

Immersive audio-visual performance The Mirror by People Like Us

Post-performance discussion: Vicki Bennett, Olga Goriunova & Marcell Mars (moderated by Tomislav Medak)



/’fu:bar/ glitch art festival 2022

Starting with the first day of October the 8th /’fu:bar/ festival is endeavoring into a new sequence of new media art processes and errors within.


Queer Zagreb

Carlos Martiel – Discussion With the Artist

The artistic practice of Carlos Martiel critically explores the structural racism and political systemic historical violence against all socially marginalized bodies, black, female, sexually and gender non-normative, queer, immigrant bodies and generally stands as a condemnation of the dominant North American and Eurocentric discursive and social stigmatizations of otherness.
