Zagreb Software Testing Club / Listopad

Martina Bettini will talk about being agile and common misconceptions (15-20 minutes). Martina is Quality Control Manager at INFOTEHNA and a long time member of Zagreb STC.

Karlo Šmid will lead a testing session (25 minutes): hack your way into the heart of a mysterious organization to uncover their secrets. This is a game which uses ‘old school’ command prompts (like DOS or UNIX) that simulate a real operating system. Learn the commands of each system to help you navigate through your adventure.

Karlo is Founder and CEO at Tentamen, a software testing company. He is also organizer of Zagreb STC meetup, but also of Testival conference (previously called viaqa). On top of all that, he is stand up comedian!

If there is any time left, we will have 1-2 lightning talks (5 minutes each). Željko Filipin always has a lightning talk ready, if nobody else submits one.

As always, we will continue the conversation at a nearby pub.
