Ruby Meetup / Veljača 2016

Dario Daić – Ruby objects with a telephone

Callable objects in Ruby, although not that common in codebases, appear as a topic more often than not. The reason is twofold: specifics of their design and ways in which they can be used.

Aim of the talk is to demistify their mechanics and demonstrate their implicit usage by providing a few brief code examples and a ton of theory.

Newcomers to Ruby and Rails will get a chance to get more intimate with the constructs, while seasoned devs will revisit and confirm their current understanding.

Stanko Krtalić Rusendić – Docker for Rubyists

Use Docker to solve common development and deployment problems without making too many changes to your workflow and development environment.

The goal of this presentation is to introduce you to Docker, present it as a development tool and to explain the strengths and weaknesses of this development approach.
