Python Meetup / Lipanj 2016

Ines Jelovac: Django Admin

Django web framework ships with very powerful admin interface for site managers. Default interface is generated from model’s metadata and can be customized using many hooks. This talk will be about customizing and making admin interface faster and more user friendly.

One more Python meetup before the summer break! We’re coming back with talks in September, but during July and August drinkups will be for those in town.

Anyone with something interesting to say to Python community is encouraged to give a lightning talk after the main talk is finished. Lightning talks are short talks, 5-10 minutes where you can talk on a variety of topics related to Python. Using slides is advisable but not strictly necessary.

Continuing in the usual tradition, everyone is welcome to join us for the drinkup in Kolding caffe after the talk. First two rounds of drinks will be sponsored by Dobar Kod and Styria.
