Topic: Using SVG lecture by Matija Marohnić (@silvenon) About Matija: I am a front end developer at Unity ( and a member of the Yeoman core team. At Unity I mostly deliver static content for presentation sites and web apps. Over the course of working alone, I had to learn to do a lot of […]
Python Meetup / Ožujak
Deni Bertovic: Python i CLI Kratki pregled alata/frameworka za pisanje CLI toolinga u Pythonu. Luka Muzinic: Speaking Kako rasturiti prezentaciju na lokalnoj user grupi ili pred WebCamp publikom? Predstavljanje inicijative za poboljšanje govorničkih vještina i opipavanje interesa za sudjelovanje u treninzima. Namjenjeno za članove user grupa okupljenih u udruzi WebCamp Zagreb.
ZgPHP meetup March
Slaven Vincetić – Luke, I’m your father How to create elite jedi order of developers and to ensure that the quality of every project, task or bugfix will be on a desired level. Slaven Vincetić from Degordian will share his tips and tricks for handling junior developers and encouraging senior developers to contribute with their […]
JavaScript Zagreb Meetup / Ožujak
JavaScript meetup ovaj mjesec nudi: 1) Neven Falica: KnockoutJS Prošli smo do sada nekolicinu client-side MV* frameworka, red je da se dotaknemo i KnockoutJS-a. MVVM framework, više orijentiran na view dio, odličan je kao nadogradnja na server-side HTML kojem treba strukturirane klijentske logike. A možda može i nešto više? Saznat ćemo od Nevena… 2) Grga […]
Dugine obitelji druže se u MaMi
Dugine obitelji pozivaju na novo druženje! Po uzoru na slične organizacije u svijetu, Dugine obitelji okupljaju LGBT parove i pojedince koji imaju djecu, žele imati djecu ili se samo žele informirati o izazovima i lijepim stranama planiranja obitelji.
Zagreb Software Testing Club February
Shahar M. Raz will talk about ‘Testing Elastic and Cloud based environments’. Presentation will emphasize the new aspects of elastic and cloud based technologies and the new challenges it introduces to testers.
Anime projekcija vol. 34
Na novoj anime projekciji donosimo samo jedan, nešto duži film- Kaguya-hime no Monogatari (2013., 137 min.), redatelja Isaoa Takahate iz studija Ghibli, najpoznatijeg po svom djelu The Grave of the Fireflies. Kaguya-hime je nominirana za Oskara za najbolji dugometražni animirani film. Okina je rezač bambusa u drevnom ruralnom Japanu. Jednog dana u šumi pronađe malu […]
Apache Spark Zagreb Meetup / March
For our second Apache Spark Zagreb Meetup Marko Velić will give a lecture on using Machine Learning with Apache Spark. Marko has a PhD in Machine Learning so the lecture is bound to be of high quality. Come to this interesting talk and let us share a few beers afterwards.
Ruby::ZG::Meetup February
On February meetup we’re having some interesting talks accompanied by some lightning talks for the first time. Our talks for this meetup are: * Damir Svrtan – Has anyone seen puts? A talk about method lookup, the ancestor chain and eigenclasses * Radan Skorić – Zašto vaša aplikacija treba proljetno čišćenje i par smjernica kako […]