Ruby Meetup / Svibanj 2017.

Dear Rubyists, our May meetup is on the horizon! We will meet at our usual meeting place at MaMa. Afterwards, we’ll hang out and drink some beer at the Pivnica Medvedgrad (Ilica) as we always do!   Nika Jukić: Diving into ActionCable In this talk I will present the essentials of one of the top […]


Trans Aid:

Radionica ‘Interspolnost 1:60’

Znaš li da je do 1,7 posto svjetske populacije rođeno s interspolnim karakteristikama? Vjerojatno ne znaš jer se o inter temama ne govori dovoljno iako je prema ovim UN-ovim procjenama jedna od 60 osoba interspolna. Vjerovao_la ili ne, toliko je otprilike u svijetu i riđokosih osoba. U strogo rodno binarnom društvu na interspolnu se djecu […]


AWS Meetup / Svibanj 2017.

AWS User Group Zagreb vas poziva na drugi AWS meetup u Zagrebu. Nakon uspješnog prvog meetupa, na redu je i drugi, nadamo se još uspješniji. Ovaj put ćemo prije meetupa podjeliti nešto aws naljepnica te ukratko reći par novih stvari o AWS Zagreb grupi. Što se tiče samih predavanja, ugostit ćemo ekipu iz Coadria koja […]


GoLang Meetup / Svibanj 2017.

Pozdrav Gopheri, nastavljamo sa redovnim Go druženjima. Ovoga puta to je srijeda 24.5. u 17:45. Talk “Gopheri u mobilnom svijetu: Go na Android i iOS platformama” će održati Jovica Popović. Nastavljamo i sa Hack table gdje prisutni mogu pokazati kod i pitati za savjet ili raspravu. Ponesite laptope!


Syncro – Synergy Croatia invites you to:

Croatian Movie Night

The new group of EVS volunteers in Zagreb we are pleased to present Croatian Movie Night at Klub Mama! This projection is the second part of language program for EVS volunteers in order to give a first taste of Croatian culture and history.  For this purpose we chose few of the best movies representing this country. Join us in this intense journey!  All the screenings will be in original language with english subtitles. For the second event we decided to screen the movie “Ti mene nosiš” (You Carry Me), movie from 2015 directed by  Ivona Juka. The movie follows  the stories trough the intertwining lives of three daughters; a pregnant producer, a director whose father suffers from Alzheimer’s, and […]


ZgPHP Meetup / Svibanj 2017.

Marijan Šuflaj: Xdebug – It’s easy, Mkay There are times when you get suckered in By vardump and printf to stdin But it’s when you do these things too much That you’ve become slow and must get back in touch You can do it It’s all up to you-mmmmmkay With a little plan you can […]


Lambda Meetup / Svibanj 2017.

Developing a faster and safer web with Rust (Stanko Krtalić Rusendić) Rust provides a safe way to do concurrent programming without the speed penalty. It’s finally web-ready. This talk will guide you through creating a web application in Rust. Through that process, available libraries will be outlined and compared to their counterparts in other ecosystems. […]


Queer2queer Psihoškolica: Stres

Koliko često za sebe pomislite da ste pod stresom? Koliko osoba poznajete za koje možete reći da su pod stresom? Sjećate li se kako je živjeti bez stresa?
