Croatian Movie Night

As a new group of EVS volunteers arrived to SYNCRO in Zagreb we are pleased to present Croatian Movie Night at Klub Mama! This projection is part of language program for EVS volunteers in order to give a first taste of Croatian culture and history. For this purpose we chose few of the best movies […]


Discussion Club #3: Globalization

Hey guys! We invite everyone to the discussion club to talk about social phenomena, critically comprehend norms & beliefs, expand the boundaries of our world view, learn other cultures, chat. The topic of the meeting #3 – “GLOBALIZATION. A threat or a driver of the culture?” We will discuss and see into next issues: – […]


Ruby Meetup / Ožujak 2017.

Hello Rubyists, let’s meet for our regular meetup in March! Presentations will be held in our usual meeting place at MaMa, and will be followed with lots of beer and chit-chat at the usual location Pivnica Medvedgrad (Ilica). As usual, we’ll have a couple prizes to share at the end 😉 — Stanko Krtalić Rusendić […]


Terminal Meetup / Travanj 2017.

Have you ever wanted to become a Ninja? Well, Petar Šegina most certainly did! However, he has grown up in the wrong millennium, instead becoming a black-belt NinjuITsu master. Over the many years of training in his favorite terminal emulator (because as everyone knows, millennials don’t know what a “console” is, let alone the serial […]


Bitcoin Meetup: Introduction to Monero

Our 20th meetup is about Monero and privacy in the context of crypto-currencies. Justin who has been quite involved with Monero is visiting Zagreb which is a great opportunity for us to gather, hear and talk about Monero. Monero is an unlinkable, untraceable currency whose transactions are private by default. Since it launched in 2014, […]


Queer2queer Psihoškolica: Prokrastinacija

Seminari čekaju da se napišu, ispit je na vidiku, rok za izvještaj se bliži, trebaš obaviti ozbiljan razgovor s partnerom_icom ili ti stan izgleda kao da je na njega pala bomba? Poznato?


Lambda Meetup / Ožujak 2017.

BEAM (službena implementacija Erlang VM-a) je po mom mišljenju daleko najvažnija komponenta u Elixir ekosustavu. BEAM kao runtime sloj pruža određene temeljne garancije te smanjuje, ili potpuno uklanja, mogućnost određenih problema u produkciji, te olakšava razvoj kompleksnih sustava otpornih na runtime pogreške. U ovom 40 minutnom predavanju ću se pobliže osvrnuti na neka svojstva BEAM-a […]


ZgPHP Meetup / Ožujak 2017.

Zoran Antolovic: Auto updated Test Environments with large databases If you ever had to maintain and setup test environments of your production app, you know how much pain in the neck it can be. Manual DB imports are heavy and automatic ones can easily be prone to security issues. In the talk I will describe […]


Putopis Sanje i Emira Imamagić:

Čile i Bolivija – put u bojama

Od boemske luke na obroncima Pacifika, preko pustinjske visoravni Altiplana, do ostvarenja sna iz djetinjstva – pupka svijeta u bespućima oceana – provest će vas Sanja i Emir Imamagić.


GoLang Meetup / Ožujak 2017.

Pozdrav Gopheri, dođite u četvrtak 9.3. na druženje uz Go. Talk na temu Što je novoga u verziji 1.8 će održati Davor Kapša. Nakon toga po prvi puta imamo Hack table aka bilo tko od prisutnih može pokazati kod i pitati za savjet ili raspravu. Zato ponesite laptope.
