HR Scala Meetup / Listopad 2016.

Dear Scala lovers, after such long time without any meetings we are finally meeting again to talk about akka-http goodness! During this talk we will warm up our fingers while translating our beloved Spray knowledge into akka-http and creating a simple application that includes routing, Twirl templates and some streaming magic! See you there!


ZgPHP Meetup / Listopad 2016.

Yet another ZgPHP meetup is coming our way and we are happy to host Daniel & Antonio again. Daniel Leech – Testing! In this talk Dan will discuss his personal approach to testing. Topics covered will include unit, functional and system testing, code paths, coverage, specifications, complexity, mocking (prophecy), approaches/strategies, and more. Antonio Perić – […]


Python Meetup / Listopad 2016.

Tin Tvrtković: Testiranje Hypothesisom Hypothesis je relativno novi Python library za property-based testing. Objasnit ću što je property-based testing i kako iskoristiti Hypothesis da podignete vaše testove na novu razinu. *** Anyone with something interesting to say to Python community is encouraged to give a lightning talk after the main talk is finished. Lightning talks […]


Terminal Meetup / Rujan 2016.

Robert Petranović: Introduction to Reverse Engineering! Considering RE’s a huge topic, this talk is an introduction to RE: (modern) compilation processes and how executables are being run by our (modern) Unix operating systems, with a bit of (modern) computer architecture as well. Emphasis is on the word modern as sadly some of our colleges aren’t […]


Projekcija filma “Sve 5!”

Sniman s mnogo strasti i suptilnog humora, ”Sve 5!” je dokumentarac o Lidiji Šunjergi, Hrvatici koja je s 19 godina otišla u Amsterdam, gdje je radila kao prostitutka, i o njezinom nimalo lakom povratku u domovinu 15 godina kasnije. Lidija je rođena u malom selu na hrvatskoj obali. Navršivši 19 godina, otišla je u Amsterdam, […]


ZgPHP Meetup / Rujan 2016.

Miro Svrtan – Jenkins vs Circle vs Travis Interested in implementing Continuous Integration going towards Continuous Deployments? I’ve been using some of this tools for 4 years, usually in company teams and want to share my experiences. This talk will introduce you to world of continuous integration and how this tools can help you build […]


Info dan Restartove Škole dokumentarnog filma

Šesta Škola dokumentarnog filma je petomjesečni intenzivni program uz međunarodne i domaće predavače i mentore koji će polaznicima pružiti osnovne i napredne vještine potrebne za snimanje vlastitog dokumentarca. Održat će se u Zagrebu od 03. listopada 2016. do 28. veljače 2017. U MaMi će se održati info dan koji je obvezan za sve prijavljene i […]


Python Meetup / Rujan 2016.

Božidar Benko: Knapsack Problem Dynamic programming concepts. Solving knapsack problem recursively and with dynamic programming. Complexity analysis. This is one of the most common interview questions asked by top employers. Summer vacations are nearing their end and we’re getting ready to resume regular Python meetups! Božidar Benko will restart our usual rhythm with talk about […]


Druženje ljubitelja japanske kulture Yuricon

Program započinje prikazivanjem Yuri animea (anime LGBT tematike, nije primjeren djeci mlađoj od 12). Odmah nakon toga, u 13h, održati će se predavanje Matea Mehakovića koje će objasniti što je to yuri, što smo to gledali te će biti održana kratka dramska točka na tu temu. U 14 sati uživati ćemo u projekciji animiranog filma […]
