Radionica u organizaciji Kluba za mlade Zagreb


Na radionici “Ekofeminizam” razgovarat ćemo o dosadašnjim idejama i saznanjima iz područja ekofeminizma te uz odabrane izvore i tekstove raditi na određenim pitanjima vezanima za temu ekofeminizma.


Python Meetup / Ožujak 2017.

Senko Rašić: Python 3 is actually quite good. Description: Although switching to Python 3 is still controversial, we started using it for all new projects. In the talk I’ll describe how we came about this decisions, what problems we encountered and what (if anything) we gained from it.


Terminal Meetup / Ožujak 2017.

Terminal Zagreb Meetup: Managing music from terminal, by Petar Bešlić Ladies and gentlemen, please remove your Spotifies, Amaroks, Clementines and similar gooey apps, as Petar Bešlić will show us how to replace them in the purestest of the ways: in Terminal! Agenda: 18:00 – Gathering 18:10 – Lighting talks (TBA) 18:30 – Petar Bešlić: Managing […]


Apache Spark Meetup / Ožujak 2017.

Ivan Lozić from Farmeron will give us a first-hand account of how they set up a lambda architecture at Farmeron using Apache Spark. This exciting startup is filling the headlines around the world so come and find out why!


HR Scala Meetup / Veljača 2017.

Come one, come all, and witness the glorious sight that is Dinko Srkoč explaining what he does for his bread & butter! We are going to have a Sparky session this time, so go ahead – read the abstract below and get inspired! * * * Once upon a time, there was a little computer […]


Kooperativa čitanja i diskutiranja

Poetike radikalnog izdavaštva :: Zagrebačka epizoda

Kako izdavački rad može biti sredstvo izravne intervencije u političko i kulturno polje? … čitalačke grupe i kolektivno predstavljanje knjiga u MaMi i Booksi.


Syncro – Synergy Croatia sa zadovoljstvom predstavlja

Talijanske filmske večeri

U posljednjoj projekciji Talijanskih filmskih večeri prikazujemo film “Il Divo”, biografsku dramu iz 2008. redatelja Paola Sorrentina. Film prati Giulia Andreottija, premijera italije u 7 mandata, ozloglašenog zbog bliskih veza s mafijom. Film prikazujemo na originalnom jeziku s engleskim titlovima.
