JavaScript Meetup / Travanj 2016.

Miłosz Chmura: Streaming in JavaScript In programming, problems can be tackled using various ways. When it comes to data processing, a useful approach is using pipes and streaming. In this presentation I will show you how I came up with solution to a simple interview task using streaming approach in Node.js. Furthermore, I will show […]



Ben Woodard: Je li filozofija fikcija?

Filozofija, ako želi adekvatno pojmiti ponašanje i oblike znanja, mora revidirati svoj odnos prema imaginacijskoj i konstrukcijskoj moći ideje izvan ograničenja realističkih i materijalističkih problema.


Python Meetup / Travanj 2016.

Neven Munđar: Multitenancy with a Python web framework supported by PostgreSQL The talk will be about multitenancy and how it helped create a white label product from an existing web service. It will explore some architectural options available to Python web frameworks and a bunch of other random python stuff related to daily struggles with […]


Zagreb Software Testing Club Meetup / Travanj 2016

We are announcing Zagreb Software Testing Club meet up #24 that will be held on Tuesday 5.4.2016, from 18.00 @MaMa. Here are our topics for this meetup: Karlo Šmid will present Docker in practice – How to run webdriver tests in headless mode with Chrome? Irja Straus will share some ideas from Gojko Adzic’s new book Fifty Quick […]


Ruby Meetup / Ožujak 2016

Janko Marohnić – File uploads with Shrine Accepting file uploads is very common in web applications, but also very delicate; we have to manage the fact that it’s slow, and that it comes with a lot of security implications. Shrine is a new Ruby library for file uploads, which aims to address limitations and issues […]


Lambda Meetup / Ožujak 2016

Zdravo Lambdoljupci! Zadovoljstvo mi je predstavit novo Lambda druženje. Ovaj put igrat ćemo se sa Type-ovima i Kind-ovima. Otkrijte zašto ćete i vi zavoljeti dependent tipove ili ih možda potpuno zamrzit. Kako god bilo logika će sigurno biti dependently typed. Da li ćete već za sljedeći projekt koristiti Idris? Nećete, ali utjecaj dependent tipova već […]


Terminal Meetup / Ožujak 2016

Petar Bešlić: Ranger, Vim style CLI file manager I dalje ostajemo u home rowu s Rangerom. Ranger je komandno-linijski file manager koji koristi Vim kao inspiraciju, kako za navigaciju kroz datoteke i direktorije, tako i za unošenje komandi, što omogućava jednostavan i brz pristup svim vašim datotekama. Josip Maslać: Zašto (izgleda samo ja) koristim GNU […]
