Apache Spark Meetup / Studeni 2016.

A lot of time passed since our last meetup. Finally, we’re scheduling a new one. On November 15, Tomislav Križan from Crossing Technologies will talk about Operational Analytics with Spark and Storm. The subject is interesting, so we hope you’ll come in a large number.


HR Scala Meetup / Studeni 2016.

For this session, we are going to compare and contrast the different types of validations that are available in the Scala ecosystem. Although we will start by warming up and showing basic usages of Either/Try, soon we will come to a realization that validation libraries are necessary to cover our of need to accumulate errors […]


Python Meetup / Studeni 2016.

Senko Rašić: Real Time Web with Django Channels Django, the most popular Python web framework, has aged very well. But up until now, it has been stuck in the request-response paradigm of how the web used to work. Particularly, WebSockets or any other kind of “real time” web app couldn’t really be done with Django […]


Terminal Meetup / Listopad 2016.

Introduction to Virtual Machines, by Heriberto Sierra This talk is about the basics of Virtual Machine management. After talking about what virtualization is and why would you ever need it, Heriberto will guide you through basic terminology and some obviously random sequence of characters such as: hypervisor, host, client, Dom0, DomU and more… He will […]


HR Scala Meetup / Listopad 2016.

Dear Scala lovers, after such long time without any meetings we are finally meeting again to talk about akka-http goodness! During this talk we will warm up our fingers while translating our beloved Spray knowledge into akka-http and creating a simple application that includes routing, Twirl templates and some streaming magic! See you there!


ZgPHP Meetup / Listopad 2016.

Yet another ZgPHP meetup is coming our way and we are happy to host Daniel & Antonio again. Daniel Leech – Testing! In this talk Dan will discuss his personal approach to testing. Topics covered will include unit, functional and system testing, code paths, coverage, specifications, complexity, mocking (prophecy), approaches/strategies, and more. Antonio Perić – […]
