[:en]Tactical Poetics and Optimised Poetics introduce poetic practices of co-creational textual production in the age of mass surveillance, artificial intelligence, and digital commodification. [:]
Linn Hansén • Turn to history || Göran Dahlberg • Ghost Life
[:en]Two pamphlet-publications by our friends and colleagues from the Swedish cultural journal “Glänta”. [:]
Stephen Zepke • Head in the Stars
[:en]This book is most concerned with science fiction futures that crack history open, allowing something unaccountable to emerge, something singular and new.[:]
Invisible Hand(s) • Hidden Labor, AI-Driven Capitalism and the COVID-19 Pandemic
A volume of interviews conducted between March and June 2020, edited by Magdalena Taube and Krystian Woznicki from Berliner Gazette.
Tomislav Gotovac — Life as a Film Experiment @ Vienna
[:en]We will present the volume co-published with Institute Tomislav Gotovac and the Croatian Film Association within the programme at Filmmuseum in Vienna. [:]
Exploded Gaze : Book Launch @ Copenhagen
[:en]Exploded Gaze launch in Copenhagen, hosted by Dansehallerne. [:]
Talking by Night #1 : Goran Sergej Pristaš
Exploded Gaze launch in Brussels, hosted by Bojana Cvejić.
S(CSS) Zagreb Meetup / Ožujak 2019.
After the first meetup, we are ready for a new round of CSS! Let’s dive into pseudo-classes and custom properties 😎 Title: CSS Pseudo-classes 💻 Speaker: 👉 Antonija Šimić 👈 Description: Pseudo-classes define the state of the selected element. Let’s see what some of them can do for us, what are their quirks and what […]
Reading the World
On the occasion of his trip to Zagreb and Belgrade in September 2017, Ante and Leonardo made an interview with Bruno Latour.
Modern Times @ Amsterdam
Amsterdam launch of “Modern Times” at Veem House for Performance, with the author present.