HRFF i Revija malih književnosti

Pobunjena želja

U sklopu 16. HRFF-a, u suradnji Kulturtregerom i ove godine će se održati Revija malih književnosti, s fokusom na arapsku književnost Sjeverne Afrike.


Distributed systems Meetup Studeni 2018.

This is the second iteration of distributed systems meetup. Nothing too formal nor serious like big meetups. Currently, the plan is as follows: &nbsp: Matko Medenjak — Fundamental truths about distributed systems Hi, I’m Matko. I’ve been working on and designing distributed systems at Hazelcast for the last two years (and reading about them for […]



Cruising sa Srđanom Sandićem: Đorđe Miketić

S ovim beogradskim piscem razgovarat ćemo o njegovom prvom romanu “Paradajz”, scenarističkom i dramaturškom radu, ali i stomatologiji, hrani, Beogradu u koji se vraća, Beogradu iz kojeg rado bježi.


GoLang Meetup / Listopad 2018.

Pozdrav Gopheri, ovaj mjesec vrlo zanimljiv talk će nam držati Ljubo Čanić ( iz minus5 ( Interakcija sa hardwerom na aplikacijskoj razini Uvod u poznatije Go libove/toolkitove za komunikaciju sa serijskim portom, interakciju sa linux udev subsistemom i očitavanje stanja arduino leonardo gesture senzora. Nakon talka idemo na pivu u Kolding 😉 Otvoreni oglasi za […]


Python Meetup / Studeni 2018.

Luka Raljević: Customize everything? Kako odabrati framework kad se o projektu zna samo da će se “specifikacija” mijenjati često. Kako mikro framework koji nam dopuštva sve može pomoći i odmoći kod takvih projekata. Zašto uopće odabrati mikro framework.   Matija Kolarić: Django Admin on Steroids Four years ago, he held a technical talk on Django […]


Distributed systems Meetup

Rough plan for this meetup: * Introduction * Tips & tricks for trying things out on your own: * Running concurrency in the same process * Using procfile and foreman for easily starting multiple processes on the same machine * Using vagrant to setup development cluster on your machine, that is create few virtual machines […]


Ruby Meetup / Rujan 2018.

Hello everybody! Out of the blue comes Piotr Misiurek, a Ruby developer, digital nomad, and entrepreneur from Poland with the talk titled “Form Objects with Reform” Here’s the abstract: How to write validations in a nice and easy to test way? Remove them from models and create form object with Reform. Dario decided to scrap […]
